Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Beginning

I am a procrastinator.  It is something that has always been a part of me.  So in 2013, I decided to try a project that may help break me of this issue.  I admit, it's not an original idea as I've seen other people have tried it to varying degrees of success.  But I watch a lot of movies and thought I'd give it shot.
If you're expecting critical reviews, you won't see many.  I just plan on writing what comes to mind, whether it be a personal story surrounding the movie, thoughts on a particular actor in the film, or maybe even something related.  It is what it is.
But in order to start on a project like this, ground rules need to be set.  So here it goes:

1) All movies must be watched during the calendar year 2013, even if it's something I've seen.  I thought of viewing strictly movies I haven't watched before, but realized during movie discussions, there are a lot of films that I've seen that I don't remember.  Call it old age.  Plus, there are films from my youth that I'd like to watch again to see if my perception of them has changed.

2) All movies must be watched in their uncut, non-edited for television format.  That means no movie watching on commercial television.  And that leads to next rule...

3) No made for TV movies.  And that means commercial television, so sorry Syfy originals.

4) No repeat viewings.  So if HBO has a "Showgirls" marathon, I can only watch once.

I'm sure there will be good choices, some bad choices, and a couple surprising finds.  But will I finish this project?  Time will tell (actually Dec. 31, 2013 will tell).  But hopefully the journey will be worth it.

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