Sunday, November 3, 2013

Movie #135- "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" (1982)

I am not a Star Trek fan.  A statement such as that could be easily be misinterpreted.  Some could take that meaning I hate Star Trek.  Not the case; I just never really got into Star Trek.  I can't really explain the reasoning behind it other than Star Trek wasn't readily available during my formative years.
The original series was cancelled when I was five years old, so I have no recollection of it.  I remember my father occasionally watching the syndicated versions of the program on a Saturday afternoon, but it never really captured my attention.  "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" came out when I was in high school.  By then, my sci-fi interests were limited to Star Wars and the Doctor Who series, especially the Tom Baker years, which appeared Sunday nights on the local PBS station.  When "Star Trek: The Next Generation" arrived, I was into my twenties and didn't hang with any fans of the show.
My knowledge with the Star Trek universe could be termed casual at best.  I know the characters from the original series and beyond that, I know very little.  I saw "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" when it came out in theaters, along with a fan of the series, and "Star Trek: First Contact" during an evening of adult beverages.
In reading message board postings about this film, it appears to be one of the most liked and highly regarded of the series.  As an outsider, I get that.  "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" seems to highlight the strengths, and a few of the weaknesses, of the series.  Khan is a great villain, a man not only pursuing power and domination but also having a personal vendetta as a driving force.  Using another character from the original show allows for the mythology of Star Trek to continue.  You wish more scenes occurred containing the standoff between Kirk and Khan.
However, you do have to content with the acting of William Shatner.  As a person, he fascinates me.  I was a fan of his interview program "Raw Nerve" and own a copy of his album "Has Been."  There's just something about his acting that I've never been able to take seriously.  Maybe the impersonations of his style over the years and the parodies of his yelling of "Khan!" play a factor.  Or possibility it is the rhythm of his line readings (the costumes in this film also don't help).  As someone late to the game, I guess this is just something accepted, even appreciated, by the fans.
Overall, I enjoyed "Star Trek II".  It isn't going to turn me into a rabid fan, but I may be more likely to watch another film from the series as part of this project.  Figuring out which one may be the tough part, although I'm familiar with the even/odd rule.

Rating: 7/10
Movies I've previously seen: 7
First time viewings: 128

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