Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Movie #79- "The Evil Dead" (1981)

I have seen half of the "The Evil Dead" series.  I say that realizing there are three films.  I happened to be flipping through cable one night when I came across the scene of Bruce Campbell chasing his hand with a shotgun.  That was my introduction to "The Evil Dead 2", yet I never went back to watch the entire film.  Flash forward a few years, when a co-worker lent me a copy of "Army of Darkness."  That one, I've watched a few times (the short running time helps).  So with the remake of "Evil Dead" coming to theaters, I figured it was time to go back to the original.
I know I have just a few horror films on the list this year.  I'm not a big fan of the genre for reasons I'll explain in the future.  After watching "The Evil Dead", my primary question was, "What the hell did I just watch?"  I don't mean that in a derogatory fashion, it's just that this film is insane... the kind of insane I like.  There's not much plot.  Five kids in a cabin, a tape recording of ancient incantations, then evil is unleashed.  As basic as the plot is, it's the style in which "The Evil Dead" is presented that delivers the fun.  Sam Raimi works hard with crazy camera angles, a shoe-string special effects budget, and a scene involving a tree that has to be seen to be believed.  It helps that the film doesn't take itself seriously and you can't forget the presence of the one and only Bruce Campbell.  He hadn't quite discovered the Bruce Campbell persona, although you can watch it grow as the film progresses.
I understand why this film is lovingly referenced.  It is gonzo action almost start to finish.  I don't know if the remake can retain the charm of the original and I know I won't be in a hurry to find out.

Rating: 7/10
Movies I've previously seen: 6
First time viewings: 73

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