Saturday, June 22, 2013

Movie #100- "Saving Private Ryan" (1998)

For the milestone numbers, I wanted to hit some of the big movies I've missed over the years.  Out of all the movies of the first one hundred, "Saving Private Ryan" has generated the most surprise.  Given ample opportunity to see this film, I just never set aside the time to watch it.
It's interesting to note the frequency Spielberg has used war, real and fictional, as either the main focus or even the backdrop of his films over the last 20 years.  That's just looking at his filmography as a director and not taking into account several projects he served as producer.  Spielberg must be intensely fascinated by war or is still trying to make up for the fiasco that was "1941" (I did catch part of "1941" on cable one night and it's a spectacle, not necessarily a good one).
Outside of the question about my take on the movie, I was asked to recount my favorite scene.  I hate to take the obvious choice, but the opening battle scene unfolds on such a grand scale, containing some many different emotions associated with war.  Spielberg carefully executes the violence and loss, but you also feel the sense of fear, bravery, uncertainty, and trust that accompanies the platoons as they go into battle.  Beyond the opening sequence and various other battle scenes, their are several stellar quiet moments, of men bonding and trying to make peace with the activity around them.  Hell, Spielberg even made Vin Diesel seem like an actor.
Truly one of the best movies in the last 15 years.

Rating: 10/10
Movies I've previously seen: 6
First time viewings: 94

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