Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Movie #120- "Texas Chainsaw" (2013)

Exhibit A as to why I'm not a big fan of the slasher genre.  The basic premise is take a group of people, put them in an eerie surrounding, then drop in a maniac with access to an unending supply of sharp implements and an inability to die.  With "Texas Chainsaw", the added bonus is that the producers have hitched their wagon to a known franchise.  Blood is splattered, bodies are mutilated, and yes, there are chainsaws.
SPOILER ALERTS AHEAD:  This story picks up after the conclusion of the original.  Vigilantes from the town head to the Sawyer residence, burning down the house, and they assume killing everyone inside.  Flash forward nearly forty years when a young woman discovers she is a descendant of the Sawyer family and goes to claim her inheritance with her "friends" along for the ride (need a body count after all).  This creates a strange time frame issue when it's revealed that she had escaped the earlier fire.  The lead looks to be in her mid-20s, yet the story would put her closer to 40 (or she has an incredible beauty regimen).  Naturally, mayhem ensues when Leatherface appears, and in a weird shift toward the end of the film, the antagonist becomes a sympathetic protagonist.  It becomes a bizarre family reunion.
One element that I caught on the message boards was the surprising lack of nudity, which I always thought was a slasher film staple.  "Texas Chainsaw" teases you with potential nudity, then ripping it away as though it's ashamed by the notion.
So, senseless, bloody violence... check.  Possibility of the sequel... check.  Nudity... nope.  Most of what you would expect from this sort of film.  Just nothing too inventive. 

Rating: 2/10
Movies I've previously seen: 6
First time viewings: 114

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