Sunday, March 10, 2013

Movie #59- "Red Dawn" (2012)

Hollywood... STOP REMAKING FILMS FROM THE 1980S!!!  This is not a request.  It's a demand.
I admit that I haven't seen the original, so I can't complain about how this has desecrated a part of my past.  I know some hold a special place in their heart for the original.  I hope it's not as terrible as this remake.
My biggest complaint with "Red Dawn" is that it doesn't make any sense.  I can suspend my belief of reality for movie logic.  In "Red Dawn", North Korea invades the United States with the help of Russia.  It was supposed to be China, but that would hurt overseas distribution.  So why are we invaded?  Nobody seems to know.  Where is our military?  Apparently an EMP has rendered them useless along with our infrastructure, although that doesn't stop a Subway sandwich shop from operating.  For some reason, the North Koreans concentrate on the Pacific Northwest, in this case, Spokane.  Thankfully, one Marine is able to escape and with the help of a small group of high school students, he's able to lead an insurgence against the North Korean troops.
"Red Dawn" revels in a lack of logic to the point that you believe it's the film makers goal.  Plenty of gun battles and explosions because the students have a seemingly endless supply of guns, ammo, and explosives.  This film plays as unintentional comedy especially because it tries so hard to be serious.  When the troops get down, Chris Hemsworth is ready with another motivational speech.
It would be a long list of elements I found hilarious with this film.  "Red Dawn" got the MST3K treatment in my household.  I'm willing to bet that someone has devised a drinking game around it. That's one way to enjoy it.

Rating: 2/10
Movies I've previously seen: 5
First time viewings: 54

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