Saturday, July 6, 2013

Movie #107- "Goldfinger" (1964)

Is this the greatest Bond movie ever and is Sean Connery the greatest Bond?  These two questions are always up for debate in the world of Bond although I'm leaning toward yes in both cases.  Regardless of your viewpoint, "Goldfinger" is where the standard elements of the Bond franchise really began to gel.
Going into this year, I wasn't too familiar with the Connery years as Bond.  I jumped into "Dr. No" (Movie #12) early in 2013, although I skipped over "From Russia With Love" to get to the third Bond outing.  It's fun, and at times difficult, watching the Bond formula come into focus, even though it pertains to both the good and bad.  I say difficult because the formula is so ingrained into your mind that it's tough to image that it was fresh when "Goldfinger" was released.
You're treated to the opening mission before the credits, the gadgetry, the most spectacular death of a Bond girl, and the intriguing sidekick.  All of these would be signature Bond.  On the flip side, you also have the weak retorts when Bond has vanquished an enemy, as well as the sophomoric female names.  One aspect that has changed is Bond's ascension into near superhero status.  You'll notice that in "Goldfinger", Bond would require the assistance of the U.S. Army in stopping the evil plot.  And as the series marched forward, that role would fall squarely on his shoulders.
I'll probably hit a few more of the Connery Bond films later in the year, but I don't imagine any of those outings topping this one.

Rating: 9/10
Movies I've previously seen: 6
First time viewings: 101

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