Monday, July 8, 2013

Movie #109- "Highlander" (1986)

"There can be only one."  That quote will occasionally be referenced at my place of work, and while I know the origin, I had actually never seen the movie.  I'm not one for this particular genre of fantasy film, but I can respect it when done well.  As I've reading message boards, "Highlander" has a devoted following.  I get the appeal of the concept, which is the huge plus for this movie.  However, part of the problem with "Highlander" is the idea eclipses the budget necessary for a film of this scope.
A group known as "Immortals" battle to the death, through the ages, leading the victors to a final battle known as the "Gathering".  Connor MacLeod is one of the last Immortals standing.  While the film is generally set in the future, we also flashback to Connor's early days in Scotland, the discovery as his powers, and the teacher, Sean Connery, that would help hone his skills.  We learn that an Immortal is destroyed by beheading.
Some of the battle scenes are impressively staged, especially the ones in Scotland.  The modern fight scenes lack some punch as they usually occur in darkened areas, apparently to hide wires that are occasionally visible.  Since it came out in 1986, it has a strong 80's vibe, ranging from the thumping, rock soundtrack, to sequences of dark rooms bathed in outside light.  Queen provides the music, but 80's Queen songs aren't as good as 70's Queen songs (although "Hammer to Fall" is one of my favorite later Queens tunes).
Christopher Lambert in the lead gives a somewhat stoic performance, spending much of the movie with a permanent scowl.  On the other hand, Sean Connery appears to be having the time of his life, chewing the scenery for a brief appearance.  Connery's role in "Highlander" may surprise some, but take a good look at his resume throughout his career.
Judging by the comments, "there can be only one" should have applied to the movie as fans have universally ripped the sequels.  I'm stopping at the original because I only need one.

Rating: 5/10
Movies I've previously seen: 6
First time viewings: 103

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