Saturday, July 27, 2013

Movie #114- "Jack Reacher" (2012)

Remember the days when the name Tom Cruise on the marquee meant something?  Yes, the man continues to churn out movies, but the films aren't the events they used to be.  "Mission: Impossible- Ghost Protocol" made money, yet I never heard anyone mention seeing the film (in fairness, I thought it was quite good, though I didn't see it in a theater).  Public perception of Cruise may play a part and I do have to give him credit for attempting go outside his comfort zone with lesser roles in "Rock of Ages" and "Tropic Thunder".  "Jack Reacher" provides another example of a film just missing its mark.
I have limited commentary about "Jack Reacher".  The film is neither bad or good, it just floats around average and forgettable.  It's one of those slightly engaging films you catch on cable one night, start watching, then realize you've seen it about halfway through.
Fans of the Jack Reacher books quibbled about the notion that Cruise, a man of shall we say short stature, could play Reacher, a rather large, intimidating individual.   Cruise handles the fight scenes fair enough, although he's still not someone that strikes fear upon his opponents.  While Ethan Hunt worked because the character required some athleticism, Reacher is supposedly more brute force, something you don't see in Cruise. I have little to add about the plot except the villain is given a compelling back story, which isn't effectively used.  The real saving grace of the film is Robert Duvall, who doesn't appear until the second half.
Watch "Jack Reacher", be mildly entertained by "Jack Reacher", just don't raise the bar with "Jack Reacher."

Rating: 5/10
Movies I've previously seen: 6
First time viewings: 108

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