Saturday, February 16, 2013

Movie #39- "Bridget Jones's Diary" (2001)

When I first announced this project, my wife jokingly suggested that I watch 365 romcoms in 365 days.  I passed, knowing I couldn't handle too many Meg Ryan/Sarah Jessica Parker/Kate Hudson movies.  I didn't want to see the effect on my life.
However, if I was going to remain true to the project, I needed to dip my toes into this genre.   My wife is not an avid viewer of romcoms, so co-worker to the rescue.  This is one of her favorites and I think for a simple reason... British men.  She loves Hugh Grant.  She loves Colin Firth.  Put them both in the same movie and she's in heaven.
I was amused at times with Bridget Jones.  Since it's based on a book, you get the feeling some characters were short-changed in the transition.  You have to give Renee Zellweger props for gaining the extra weight for the role.  I'm really not that familiar with Colin Firth's work although he has a few other movies that will pop up later in the year.  And Hugh Grant simply does another variation of being Hugh Grant.
My wife did crack a few jokes as I sat down to watch this, saying she had other things to do.  97 minutes, she hadn't left the couch, even admitting her approval.

Rating: 6/10
Movies I've previously seen: 4
First time viewings: 35

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