Sunday, February 24, 2013

Movie #45- "A Good Day To Die Hard" (2013)

"Die Hard" is one of the great action movies of all time... period.  John McClane as the ordinary New York cop just trying to do his job against one of the ultimate movie villains, Hans Gruber.  Each subsequent "Die Hard" expanded the playing field, moving from a building, to an airport, then New York, followed by the eastern seaboard.  With "A Good Day to Die Hard", John McClane travels abroad and takes his explosions to Russia.  If they do one more "Die Hard", I can only assume it will occur in outer space.
This outing feels the least like a "Die Hard" movie.  It's as if they grabbed a random action script, added a few mentions of the franchise, and slapped the phrase "Die Hard" into the title.  I can only point my finger at Bruce Willis for the fact that he said yes to this mess.  He's heroically plows through as John McClane, a character he can play in his sleep.  The problems really stem from the screenplay and directing.   The plot seems leftover from an old Bond movie, some of the action sequences try to replicate the fast-paced editing of the Bourne series, and the villains are insanely weak.  If that's not enough, McClane's suffers more falls than the average Wile E. Coyote cartoon.
We've officially reached the point where the prospect of a new "Die Hard" is better than an actual "Die Hard" movie.  Best advice, watch the trailer and reminisce about past McClane antics.

Rating: 3/10
Movies I've previously seen: 4
First time viewings: 41

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