Sunday, January 13, 2013

Movie #12- "Dr. No" (1962)

My first James Bond experience was Roger Moore.  It was back in the 1970s, when ABC would air their Sunday Night Movie.  I can't recall whether "The Man With the Golden Gun" was my first Bond film or "Live And Let Die".  I have seen every Bond movie in the theater since "The Spy Who Loved Me", with the exception of "For Your Eyes Only".  I even count "Never Say Never Again" in that tally (although many Bond fans won't).
I know Sean Connery is often considered the best Bond, but his portrayal of the character is something that I have a vague knowledge.  I've seen bits and pieces of his early Bond work, just not uncut and in their entirety.  So another wrong that I'm hoping to right with this project and I figured I would go to the start of the series.
It is startling to witness the changes the series has gone through since the beginning.  In "Dr. No", there is no action sequence before the opening credits... no gadgets... and Bond seems to have respect for those in charge.  The story generally stays in one place, Jamaica, as opposed to the globetrotting Bond.  Despite the fact "Dr. No" is 50 years old, it holds up.  Sure, there are several outdated aspects of the film due to fashion and technology (the green screen car chase is kind of funny and everyone seems to smoke).  And new Bond fans might complain about the lack of action sequences in the film.  The groundwork though is set... an evil genius trying to threaten the world.  Extra points for not revealing the villain until the final 30 minutes.  The genesis of Bond, the film version, is an interesting one and I'm sure the name Bond will appear a couple more times this year.

Rating: 7/10
Movies I've previously seen: 2
First time viewings: 10

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