Sunday, January 20, 2013

Movie #17- "Rear Window" (1954)

I am embarrassed.  As a film fan, I hate to admit the number of Alfred Hitchcock films I've seen over the years.  That number is... three.  I would rate "Psycho" as one of my top ten favorite films, which I have watched multiple times.  The other two, "North By Northwest" and "Notorious", caught my eye only in the last couple years.  So I'm hoping to get a few more Hitchcock films under my belt by the end of the year.
While "Rear Window" is nearly 60 years old, I was surprised how well it holds up.  Since the technology has improved over the years, the concept of voyeurism has actually become more relevant.  Except now, we take what we see/record and post it online.
A couple things about this film really stuck me.  First, I like how Hitchcock tells several stories involving the residents of the apartment complex without giving them much in the way of dialogue.  And secondly, the way he builds the suspense in what he doesn't show.  I realize that Hitchcock had to work within the framework of the era, but sometimes less is more.  Finally, I know that James Stewart has played several "All-American" characters in his career, but in "Rear Window", he's kind of ass.  Sure he's the hero, yet not the most pleasant guy.
Can't wait to tackle more classic Hitchcock this year.

Rating: 10/10
Movies I've previously seen: 2
First time viewings: 15

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